Saturday, November 7, 2015

I bought dragon tut from Mary Lockwood and she gave me orca whale tut for free :-)
Dragon head break right after I put it on the bead, but I love rest of the bead I already made, so I tryed to make new head right on the bead. It's not as beautiful, but I still like my first dragon.

After making orca wale with huge tail:-), I tried to make narwhal :-) love them bouth 

Here is one of the things I need to find out how to make it work. Made new etched cuff with enameled copper flowers. Like it a lot, but need to redo the flowers: enamel cracks when I was attaching flowers to cuff.
And I made two spinning rings today. It's love love love :-)

I was learning metal smith lately and have done some jewelry I really proud of. I must say huge thanks to my teacher Laura Bracken (
I learned how to solder metals and how to apply enamels, and how to do metal sawing, and many other great things!